“I’m not sure what I want: There are so many things that I like.” Often when people come to us their heads are swimming with all the ideas they have ever wanted to put into a kitchen… they have been to several showrooms around town and have seen just about everything. For some folks this is manageable, but others find themselves in a quagmire of indecision… Having seen so many good ideas, they no longer know where to start. After years of seeing our customers in this predicament, we have come up with a very successful tool to help us work through decision making in a logical way…. Basically we recommend dealing with things in order of their appearance. We ask the question “what is there the most of?” The answer for most kitchens is either the floor or the cabinetry. For the sake of our discussion, let’s assume it’s the floor. Ok then, to get started all we are really going to focus on is selecting the floor. What do we want for material? Tile, stone, or maybe wood? Once we have a floor selected, we will move on to the cabinets… we need a cabinet that works with our floor. Do we want a stained or painted finish? How much contrast do we need? Once we have the cabinets, then we move on to counter tops: we need a counter top that works with our floor and our cabinets. Finally we look at the back splash: We need a back splash that works with our floor, our cabinets, and our counter tops… as you can imagine, the possible selections narrow down quite a bit as the other criteria work to limit the options. We find that this method serves two purposes. 1st, it limits our thinking to one item at a time, and 2nd, it takes some of the options off the table and helps us focus. Now, nothing says we can’t back up and revisit something once it’s selected. Very often in fact we find a new style or material in the process and that’s just fine. The trick then is to start again to confirm what still works with the new selection and then use the same logic moving forward. It’s a lot to think about. Of course you’re not sure what you want… how could you be? Let us help you apply this method and get some decisions made!